Scholarship Chronicles

Feeling Overwhelmed by the Cost of College? 


Despite diligent efforts to save and plan, many students still struggle with the rising costs of higher education. Studies reveal that over 70% of students worry about funding their college dreams. This stress can overshadow the excitement of starting a new chapter.

Our comprehensive College Scholarship series provides the guidance and tools you need to secure scholarships and make your educational aspirations a reality. Learn effective application strategies, master the art of the scholarship essay, and find the financial support you deserve.


Unlock Scholarship Opportunities

Learn effective strategies and tips to craft standout applications and ace scholarship interviews, making higher education affordable.




Unlock the doors to higher education with our College Scholarship book series. Experience a vibrant, informative, and enjoyable guide to securing scholarships. Our curriculum includes:

  • Colorful tips for crafting standout applications
  • Adventurous insights into scholarship opportunities
  • Fun strategies to ace scholarship interviews

Start your scholarship journey today and make your educational dreams a reality.

Scholarship Odyssey, Vol. 1

Get to know yourself. You’ll learn how to tune it all out and turn your attention inward.

Journey to Acceptance, Vol 2

Learn what self-love looks like and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Passion into Practice,  Vol. 3

Learn how to connect with others and still value the unique individual you are inside.

Passport to Success, Vol. 4

Bring the inside out. Show up as the most authentic version of yourself every day.

Licensing for Educators

Bring Mr. Grant Money's curriculum to your organization by securing your license and receive exclusive bonus resources.

Empowering Futures, Vol. 5

With goals in sight, create a road map to the life you’ve always dreamed of.




Transform your scholarship search with our College Scholarship series. Just like a powerful remedy, our series is the solution you need to capture both the head and heart of students.

Put the techniques you learn into practice through our engaging and entertaining content. This is where education meets adventure.

In each chapter, you'll find thought-provoking exercises to stimulate your mind. Our series combines big ideas with visual stimulation, actionable steps, and adventurous stories to make key points memorable. You’ll hear, see, and read exciting narratives that bring the lessons to life in an unforgettable way.

We can’t wait to help you secure your college funding!

Mr. Grant Money Product


I am Mr. Grant Money, and I am more than just a Master Grant Acquisition Specialist—I'm a champion for students pursuing higher education.

With years of experience, I help young scholars find and secure college scholarships to make their academic dreams a reality.

Join me on a journey to explore scholarship opportunities, craft standout applications, and ensure a brighter future through education.

"This audiobook promotes a powerful innovation mindset, inspiring listeners to explore new strategies and unleash their full potential in securing grant funding."

Make Your Mar

"I loved this book because it is different, and the author's approach is totally innovative. I believe he will get a lot of audience! It is worth the time. It provides pleasant and grateful positive thoughts; you will finish it with a smile! Highly recommended!"

Karla Al



Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the cost of college? Like no matter how hard you try, securing scholarships seems out of reach?

If so, then our College Scholarship Curriculum is definitely for you.

We'll guide you through the entire process, from identifying scholarship opportunities to crafting compelling applications. With our expert advice and practical tips, you'll learn how to stand out from the crowd and secure the funding you need for your education.

Specialized Scholarship


If you aren’t completely satisfied with your Self-Love Masterclass, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.